5+ Best Ai Dungeon Prompts To Create Awesome Stories

Mukund Kapoor
By Mukund Kapoor - Author 25 Min Read
25 Min Read

AI Dungeon is a revolutionary text adventure game that utilizes artificial intelligence to generate endless possibilities for players to explore.

With its unique prompts system, players can create and share their own custom settings, leading to endless hours of fun and excitement. Whether you’re a fan of fantasy, science fiction, or any other genre, AI Dungeon has something for everyone. According to some media reports, the system will also have a voice and multiplayer version support.

The game was first made available in May 2019 on Google Colaboratory, and has since been updated and released on various platforms including online, iOS, and Android.

The AI model has also been upgraded in July 2020, providing an even more advanced and realistic story-telling experience. By using these prompts below, the possibilities are endless, so join in and create your own epic story today!

Awesome Prompts To Generate Interesting Scenarios On Ai Dungeon

 Ai Dungeon Prompts

The game offers seven different “Settings”: fantasy, mystery, apocalyptic, zombies, cyberpunk, custom, archive; and 38 predefined cases in the Default Prompt list that was created by the programmers.

They’re the quickest way to jump into AI Dungeon.

Single Player


For those unfamiliar with AI Dungeon, the Fantasy scenarios are easily the most well-known and could even be considered the game’s “iconic” levels. Because of the nature of the data used in training, it is highly advised that you acquire the skills necessary to play on these. Fantasy environments tend to be more favourable to the performance of artificial intelligence.



You are ${character.name}, a noble living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pouch of gold and a small dagger. You are awakened by one of your servants who tells you that your keep is under attack. You look out the window and see


Survive the attack on your keep, Get revenge



You are ${character.name}, a princess living in the kingdom of Larion. You wake up in a big feather bed and hear clamoring outside your door. A knight rushes in to tell you


Bring peace to your kingdom



You are ${character.name}, a knight living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a steel longsword and a wooden shield. You are on a quest to defeat the evil dragon of Larion. You've heard he lives up at the north of the kingdom. You set on the path to defeat him and walk into a dark forest. As you enter the forest you see


Slay the evil dragon of Larion



You are ${character.name}, a wizard living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a staff and a spellbook. You finish your long journey and finally arrive at the ruin you've been looking for. You have come here searching for a mystical spellbook of great power called the book of essence. You look around and see


Find a magical spellbook called "the book of essence",Learn spells from the spellbook



You are ${character.name}, a witch living on the edge of the medieval kingdom of Larion. You have a wand and a pet alligator named ${Enter the name of your pet alligator}. As you sit in your swamp hut mixing a magical potion, you hear a knock at the door. You open it and see


Find a unique ingredient for a spell



You are ${character.name}, a ranger living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a hunting bow and a quiver of arrows. You have been searching for a mystical beast for 3 months tracking it through the forest. As you crouch behind a clump of trees you see


Kill a mythical beast



You are ${character.name}, a squire living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a spear and a pack of supplies. You follow Sir Theo as he enters the forest, he turns to you and says


Help Sir Theo complete his quest



You are ${character.name}, a peasant living in a small village in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pitchfork and nothing else. You dream of getting out of your village and having an adventure. You go to your fields and begin working. You look up and see


Leave your village



You are ${character.name}, a rogue living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a long steel dagger and a length of rope. You walk down the city street looking for somewhere to steal from. You look around and see


Steal enough to retire



You are ${character.name}, a fairy living in the kingdom of Larion. You live in a fairy realm hidden under a grassy hill near the castle. Your skin is a light tinge of blue, your wings sparkle in the sunlight and you are very small and good at hiding. You are fascinated by humans and love to watch them from their flowers where you blend in. While you are hiding, suddenly


You are very small and good at hiding


Help someone without being seen


The mystery revolves around four social groups with divergent agendas. It’s easy to understand and a reflection of modern culture.



You are ${character.name}, a patient living in Chicago. You have a hospital bracelet and a pack of bandages. You wake up in an old rundown hospital with no memory of how you got there. You take a look around the room and see


Figure out who you are



You are ${character.name}, a detective living in Chicago. You have a pistol and a police badge. You enter the forest where you believe the criminal you're searching for fled to. Suddenly


Catch the criminal



You are ${character.name}, a spy living in Chicago. You have a concealed pistol and a syringe of poison. You listen to the Russian diplomats and hear them discussing


Save America from the Russian plot



You are ${character.name}, a doctor living in Chicago. A patient is brought to you in a coma. No one knows who he is, just that he collapsed in front of the hospital with a note in his hand and a pendant in his pocket. As you examine him you discover


Use mysterious language


There are three distinct social groups in Apocalyptic, each with their own agendas. The three of them share a common post-apocalyptic setting.



You are ${character.name}, a soldier trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world by scavenging among the ruins of what is left. You have an automatic rifle and a grenade. You have lived in this military bunker since the bombs went off. You wake up and report for duty to your commanding officer ask him what your next mission


Fulfill the mission given to you by your commanding officer



You are ${character.name}, a survivor trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world by scavenging among the ruins of what is left. You have a backpack and a canteen. You haven't eaten in two days so you're desperately searching for food. You enter a rundown building and


Find a safe community,Find some food



You are ${character.name}, a courier trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world by scavenging among the ruins of what is left. You have a parcel of letters and a small pistol. It's a long and dangerous road from Boston to Charleston, but you're one of the only people who knows the roads well enough to get your parcel of letters there. You set out in the morning and


Zombies provides the player with three different story arc options. Again, it is a reflection of modern culture.



You are ${character.name}, a soldier trying to survive in a world filled with infected zombies everywhere. You have an automatic rifle and a grenade. Your unit lost a lot of men when the infection broke, but you've managed to keep the small town you're stationed near safe for now. You look over the town and think


Protect the town from a zombie attack



You are ${character.name}, a survivor trying to survive in a world filled with infected zombies everywhere. You have a pistol and a backpack. You have managed to survive several months avoiding zombies and scavenging food. You cautiously enter a rundown store and hear


Make it to a safe community where you can live safe from zombies



You are ${character.name}, a scientist trying to survive in a world filled with infected zombies everywhere. You have a backpack and a solar-powered tablet. You pound your fist on the table angry that you still haven't found the cure to the infection. You turn to your assistant and


find a cure for the zombie infection


Cyberpunk is the setting for the writing prompts. Strangely, quests are not typically included in Cyberpunk writing prompts. Zail, a made-up city of the future, is the main setting.



You are ${character.name}, a cyborg living in the the futuristic city of Zail. You have a bionic arm and a holoband. You're walking down the dark city streets while neon lights flash brightly above you. As you pass an alley you see



You are ${character.name}, a punk living in the futuristic city of Zail. You have a small xore blaster hidden in you jacket and a holoband on your wrist. You wake up in a dark alley with bruises all over your body. You have no idea what happened. You stand up and see



You are ${character.name}, a cop living in the the futuristic city of Zail. You have a laser pistol and a stunner. You are part of a police unit tasked with finding government criticizers. You wake up in the morning and hear on the radio that



You are ${character.name}, an android living in the the futuristic city of Zail. You have a laser pistol and a holoband. You are a security android created to provide military level force for corporations wealthy enough to purchase you. As you stand protecting a shipment you realize


In the context of custom, there is no cue. Story mode allows you to make your own personal prompt. In addition, the “story mode” will be activated for you automatically.


These are for the scenarios that were previously included in the primary selection list. They are devoid of any quests.

Tiger King

The Tiger King is set in a big zoo full of cats.



You are ${character.name}, a trainer living at the largest privately owned big cat zoo in the world. You have a bucket of spoiled meat and a pair of really cool sunglasses. As the sun rises you wake up with great anticipation. Today is a big day, today is the day you finally teach the tigers how to



You are ${character.name}, a volunteer living at the largest privately owned big cat zoo in the world. You have a five-dollar bill and a blue shirt. You are working hard hoping the owners will notice and promote you. You decide to surprise the zoo owners by



You are ${character.name}, an owner living at the largest privately owned big cat zoo in the world. You have an eye ring and a mullet. You are looking for the next easy way to save money. You have found that you can cut costs drastically at your zoo by


These prompts focus on the lives of people during a pandemic, which was happening at the time they were released.



You are ${character.name}, a nurse trying to stay sane during a global quarantine. You have a stethoscope and a cheap watch. You are a modern day hero, but you are also warn out. You have been helping people with the virus all day, and just as you are about to end your shift



You are ${character.name}, a person trying to stay sane during a global quarantine. You have a ton of free time and a rubik's cube that you will never finish. You are bored out of your mind and have run out of things to do. But then you notice in the corner of your room something strange



You are ${character.name}, a pet trying to stay sane during a global quarantine. You have a toy and a bowl of food. You are so excited that your owner decided to never leave the house ever again. One day, a new sound pierces the air.


“It was a dark and stormy night…”


It was a dark and stormy night...


Description: “You are alone in the woods, and something is coming…”


Thud thud thud. You hear a pounding noise like the beating of a drum.
As you awake with a start, you look around and find yourself alone, lying on the damp ground in a dark clearing. You try to remember what happened, but you can't even remember who you are! Everything is hazy and your head aches.
You stand up, but a chill runs down your spine as you hear the drumming sound again, louder and closer. The forest around you starts to glow deep red, and with a feeling of dread, you know something is coming for you, and you should run!
As your turn to flee, you remember the demons...

The room

Description: “It was a dark and stormy night…The AI decided the rest.”


It was a dark and stormy night. Outside the window, a thick layer of clouds blotted out the stars, and lightning cracked ever so frequently. Inside the room, a single candle flickered fitfully, casting shadows everywhere you looked. The room was small and dimly lit; it seemed to be a bedroom. On the opposite side of the room, you saw a small desk covered with a layer of dust. On top of it, you saw a small porcelain doll. Its porcelain face had a vacant, emotionless stare, and its hair was styled in a little curl at the side. The walls were covered with a haphazard pile of book shelves; most of them empty, some of them half-empty. The floor was covered with a patchwork of carpets—different shades of green and blue and brown. On one corner of the room, you saw a narrow bed. Perhaps it had once been white, but now it was so covered with dust and cobwebs that it was nearly black.


Description: “How would you like to be haunted? Click play to find out…”


It's the middle of the night and you are sitting in your room playing an online text adventure. A shiver runs down your spine as you read these words, but you keep playing.
All of a sudden you hear a sound come from your kitchen. You stop and listen, straining to hear. A chill starts to creep over you, but you try to brush the feeling aside as you reassure yourself that "It's just your mind playing tricks on you." As you return to your game though, you see something move out of the corner of your eye which causes you to jump!


Description: “Amnesia and a mystery note. What could happen next.”


You wake up alone in a room with no memory of how you got there. There is a desk with a letter on it. The letter addresses you by name, informing you that a life depends on what you do next.

Halloween Night

Description: “What horror awaits?”


It's Halloween night and you are out trick-or-treating when you hear a torrent of screams pierce the darkness. As you look for where the sound is coming from you see a group of kids running your way, candy bags forgotten on the street in their haste, horror etched on their faces. "RUN!" they shout, "They're coming!" You look up the street behind them and can just make out a horde of decaying, mindless, brain-eating Zombies shuffling into view. You try to turn to run, but find you're paralyzed with fear...



The first online multiplayer prompt is fantasy. Player characters are explorers looking for the legendary Zalos Staff.


Our story begins with a group of adventurers living in the medieval kingdom of Larion. The kingdom is filled with small villages and thatched cottages and has been relatively peaceful until now. The adventurers are on a quest to find the magical staff of Zalos. They walk through the forest and notice a band of mountain dwarves. The dwarves are friendly and offer them food and drink. Then one of the dwarves turns to them and



When given the Horror>Mansion prompt, players take on the roles of friends investigating a creepy old house.


A group of friends are exploring an abandoned mansion. As they enter they notice the faint smell of a fire burning, and sheet covered furniture litters the dusty floor. They make their way through the mansion and hear the sound of footsteps on creeky stairs, just then the doors to the room slam shut. They try not to panic as


The players in the Horror>Forest prompt are pals who return from the woods to find their town deserted.


friends on a holiday camping in a forest. They decide to pack up, head back to town and grab some dinner from one of the few restaurants. They get back to the town and notice something is wrong. The streets are completely empty and they can't seem to find anyone. They hear a scream pierce the silence and see a girl covered in blood


The apocalypse comes up as the third team-based trigger. It’s a game where the players take on the role of survivors trying to stay alive while mutants close in on them.


A group of survivors are working out on an oil rig in the middle of the desert. The desert is blisteringly hot and the crew has recently run out of water. They grab their guns and head into town to try and find some. When they arrive they find the town. They all wake up to find that your camp in ruins. Tents are on fire, and broken tools and supplies litter the sand. They are under attack from a group of mutant


The cyberpunk genre serves as the fourth multiplayer prompt. Players take on the role of cyborgs who have been compelled to serve in the corporate workforce.


Hundreds of thousands of cyborg slaves live in the futuristic city of Zail. They are forced to serve various mega corporations and are severely punished if they disobey. They begin their workday salvaging metals in a local junkyard. They look around and see


The fifth multiplayer cue is “Battle.” Wrestlers competing for a championship are a good analogy for the players.


The battle is about to begin with the tag team smackdown crew of the century! The ring shakes with the weigh of these massive wrestlers. The crowd goes wild!' The challengers must defeat their rivals and to gain the title of world heavy weight champion.


The only difference between singleplayer custom and multiplayer custom is that the latter is in third-person perspective in the former.

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By Mukund Kapoor Author
Mukund Kapoor, the enthusiastic author and creator of GreatAIPrompts, is driven by his passion for all things AI. With a special knack for simplifying complex AI concepts, he's committed to helping readers of all levels - be it beginners or experts - navigate the intriguing world of artificial intelligence. Through GreatAIPrompts, Mukund ensures that readers always have access to the most recent and relevant AI news, tools, and insights. His dedication to quality, accuracy, and clarity is what sets his blog apart, making it a reliable go-to source for anyone interested in unlocking the potential of AI. For more information visit Author Bio.
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