Welcome to GreatAIPrompts.com, a leading blog dedicated to exploring and sharing insights on artificial intelligence, technology trends, and innovative prompts.

Through thought-provoking content and discussions, we aim to engage a community of tech enthusiasts, developers, AI researchers, and industry professionals.


To ensure our content and advertisements align perfectly with our audience’s interests, we exclusively accept advertisements from AI tools, technology startups, and innovative tech companies.

Why Advertise with Us?

  • Highly Engaged Audience: With approximately 120,000 monthly visitors and a growing community of tech-savvy readers, your advertisements will reach a dedicated audience interested in the latest AI and technology.
google analytics report
Last 30 days traffic
  • Targeted Demographics: Our readers primarily come from the USA, India, UK, Canada, and Germany, providing a diverse yet targeted demographic for your advertising needs.
top demographics
Last 30 days Demographics
  • Newsletter Engagement: Our Substack newsletter boasts 11,000 subscribers with an impressive open rate of 16% and a click-through rate (CTR) for ads at 8%, offering a direct channel to engage with our most loyal readers.
last 30 days newsletter engagement
Last 30 days newsletter engagement

Advertising Options

There are mainly two advertising options: banner ads of sizes 728×90 or 300×250. And newsletter ad placement.

1. Website Banner Ads

728×90 Top Banner Ad

728x90 banner ad
  • Location: Prominently displayed at the top of every page.
  • Visibility: Maximum exposure to all visitors.
  • Pricing: $700 per month.

300×250 Sidebar Ad

  • Location: Positioned on the sidebar of all article pages.
  • Visibility: Consistent exposure as readers engage with content.
  • Pricing: $500 per month.

2. Newsletter Ad

Single Placement in Substack Newsletter

  • Reach: Directly engage with our 11,000 subscribers.
  • Engagement: Benefit from an open rate of 16% and an ad click-through rate of 8%.
  • Pricing: $1,000 for a one-time placement. Your advertisement will be prominently featured in one of our regular newsletters, offering an exclusive opportunity to capture the attention of our most engaged readers.

Additional Information

If you want to know more about our engagement metrics before you make a decision, here they are:

Audience and Engagement Metrics

  • Monthly Visitors: 120,000
  • Engagement Time: Average of 1 minute and 8 seconds per visit.
  • Demographics: Majority of our audience is based in the USA, India, UK, Canada, and Germany, Brazil, Japan, and more making our platform ideal for advertisers looking to reach a global tech audience.
  • Expected average Cost Per Click (CPC): $1 to $3 (Rough estimate).
  • Bounce Rate: 39.89%
  • Impressions: A minimum of 10K impressions per day.

Get Started

To get started choose any package above from the advertising opportunities. For now, we don’t offer any custom advertising package.

But don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at info@greataiprompts.com.

We look forward to partnering with you to achieve your marketing goals and drive meaningful engagement with our community.