Pope Francis Asks for International AI Regulation Treaty

Mukund Kapoor
By Mukund Kapoor - Author 1 Min Read
1 Min Read

A Global Concern Deserving Attention

In Short
  • Pope Francis calls for an international treaty to regulate artificial intelligence.
  • The Pope's message focuses on the global scale of AI and the need for coordinated international regulation.
  • He expresses deep ethical concerns about the use of AI in autonomous weapon systems.

December 14, 2023: In a significant statement addressing modern technology’s ethical challenges, Pope Francis has called for a legally binding international treaty to regulate artificial intelligence.

This call was made in his message for the Roman Catholic Church’s World Day of Peace, set to be celebrated on January 1.

The Pope’s message, titled “Artificial Intelligence and Peace,” emphasizes the urgent need for a coordinated international approach to AI regulation.

He pointed out the global reach of AI technology, stressing the importance of both individual states and international organizations in regulating its use.

Pope Francis, known for his critical stance on the armaments industry, specifically highlighted the ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI in weapons systems.

He called the research in lethal autonomous weapon systems, including AI weaponization, a matter of “grave ethical concern.”

He firmly stated that autonomous weapon systems cannot be considered morally responsible.


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By Mukund Kapoor Author
Mukund Kapoor, the enthusiastic author and creator of GreatAIPrompts, is driven by his passion for all things AI. With a special knack for simplifying complex AI concepts, he's committed to helping readers of all levels - be it beginners or experts - navigate the intriguing world of artificial intelligence. Through GreatAIPrompts, Mukund ensures that readers always have access to the most recent and relevant AI news, tools, and insights. His dedication to quality, accuracy, and clarity is what sets his blog apart, making it a reliable go-to source for anyone interested in unlocking the potential of AI. For more information visit Author Bio.
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